How’s Nagpur weather and flooding?

This is One of the most common questions we are receiving from Attendees planning to visit Nagpur from outstation. Last week on 7th July, Nagpur witnessed Heavy rainfall around 250 – 270mm and the city were flooded and had power issues. Here’s the Current meteorological Scenario of Nagpur and a Nagpuri thought about 7th July.

The Average Rainfall of July for Past 5years is 300-320mm. And Highest rainfall we observed was 220mm. So I believe, just like WordCamp Nagpur Organizing team (as we are late in Publishing many things), Rain god also planned to complete July’s Quota in a day.

Post 7th July, the city has not witnessed heavy rain showers.

How’s frequent it rains in Nagpur?
Mostly Nagpur has two types of Rain showers:
1. Normal wali Barish – Which showers around 30-120 minutes, Settles all dust in the environment, cleans your vehicles and streets. Rest of the day you can enjoy the cosy weather. It occurs daily in Monsoon days.

2. Zhama Zham Barish – yes that’s a local dialect for Heavy rain, 7th July was one of them. You should avoid low lying areas in such rain, and it happens Once a Month or Twice – Like Varun Deva has to complete his Nagpur’s Quota.

What happened on 7th July?
From Last One and Half year, City is going through significant infrastructural changes. Cement Roads, Metro Construction, some flyover projects and Minor Cabling and Pipeline works are going-on resulting into many places where waterlogging can happen.

As First time in Nagpur’s History, we have Monsoon Assembly Session in Second Capital of State. Due to rain, the session for the day was cancelled. Resulting in massive media coverage, I believe the condition in Mumbai is far severe than Nagpur.

There is no future forecast of heavy rainfall in next weekend. So you can travel safely without any worries.

Unfortunately, we do not have any rainy gears in swag this year, so make sure you carry yours while coming to Nagpur as this is the first Monsoon WordCamp in India of 2018.

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